Naomi: Hello AJ Steel! Welcome to Conversations With Naomi. I am honored to feature you as my first conversation, on the return of this popular feature on my website. I have followed you and gotten to know you on Twitter, now X, and on Truth Social. I've listened to many of your podcasts which I highly recommend to my readers. Your voice is important and mesmerizing to me, especially considering your roots, which I hope to explore in this interview.
You were recently suspended from X several times for refusing to curb your First Amendment Rights and it was not the first time. Please explain why you refuse to kowtow to Elon Musk. Are you surprised that Musk's supposed free speech platform has targeted you? Could it be enemies that have reported you to X that caused it?
AJ: Many conservatives feel so depressed and oppressed that they cling to anybody famous who says a couple of words that sound like support for their values. It’s a type of a siege mentality akin to a starving person who worships any man or woman that throws them a few crumbs and we see this happening time and time again with folks like Kanye West, Vivek Ramaswamy, and yes, the latest savior du jour, Elon Musk. I personally never fall for that nonsense. The vindication of my beliefs doesn’t come from movie stars or billionaires. It comes from a sense of logic and morality that transcends the current social and political trends, and unlike most conservatives who foolishly fantasized that Elon Musk was the savior of free speech and the republic, I never had any illusions about him.
Musk is first and foremost a businessman who is beholden to big government and China, not to mention to his creditors. Look, free speech is dead in America and the rest of the so-called “enlightened” western world. It’s been dead ever since 99% of media came under the ad dollar driven monopoly of Google, Apple, and the rest of big tech.
As far as my many enemies, let’s just say that the unvarnished truth has many adversaries. It isn’t cute, or pretty, or even comfortable, but it is the truth nonetheless, and unlike all the other so-called “brave” conservative talk show hosts, I never modulate what I say or write. Unfortunately it seems that with our increasing popularity we’ve also attracted many haters, surprisingly including some incredibly famous folks who were supposedly on our side. But by the same token, I’ve also gained a large following of freethinking friends and listeners. They are the only ones who truly matter to me.
Naomi: How do you choose the topics and guests on the AJ Steel Show? Have you ever been shocked by what a guest had to say?
AJ: The AJ Steel Show has always been a very organic labor of love. A love for my family, a love for America, and perhaps some type of personal vanity infused with a foolish quasi messianic sense of purpose.
How do I pick topics or choose guests? Sometimes I read a good book and I just want to ask the author some questions. Other times when the entire media tells us lies, I feel that I must stand up and shout the truth like a forlorn biblical prophet of doom. In many cases I get contacted by PR departments wanting me to interview their clients who have something to say or to sell. I can’t tell you how many famous politicians and entertainment figures have asked to come on the AJ Steel Show and were denied. I am only interested in talking with people who present a compelling viewpoint, or have a great story to tell. I have no interest in political hacks and polished speakers. They can go on FOX and the rest of the fawning mainstream channels.
Now as far as guests who shocked me, Juanita Broaddrick, graphically describing her rape by Bill Clinton was jarring to say the least, and in another show, I was moved to tears upon hearing Angel Mom Agnes Gibboney describe her broken heart after her son was murdered by an illegal alien. We also had some guests like world renowned Psychiatrist Sheldon Roth who told me some startling things about the Trans movement and Covid, not to mention the head of the Zionist Organization of America, Morton Klein who gave me some surprising insights into President Trump and his close relationship with the Jewish people. Look, all our guests, past, present, and future, have something unique and special to say. Otherwise, they wouldn’t be on the AJ Steel Show.
Naomi: I’ve been listening to your shows and watching you on social media for a while now and in the beginning, you were a mystery to me. The more I listened, the more I noticed clues dropped as to who you are. Then when I realized that you are the grandson of Holocaust Survivors and the son of a policeman, I began to understand where you are coming from. I understand that your roots are similar to mine, as your grandmother was a Holocaust Survivor from Hungary, like my mother.
Please tell our audience how your grandmother was instrumental in your upbringing. Did she tell you her stories when you were a child? In retrospect, was your childhood impacted by the Holocaust, as mine was?
AJ: My Grandparents were survivors of the Holocaust. I grew up in a home which was full of of love and joy, but which was always tainted by a dark cloud. A sort of a foreboding feeling that everything good in life can come to an end in the blink of an eye.
Yes, I heard about the horrors of the Nazis many times. These stories shaped my worldview, for good or bad, and perhaps empowered my deep cynicism about life in general and my sometimes-shaky faith in a higher power and religion as a whole.
My grandma who survived the Auschwitz death camps and lost most of her family to the Nazis was the rock of my life. Her inner strength, and her stubborn refusal to be cast aside as a forever victim helped make me who I am today: A strong man who loves his family and nation above all, and is one who is willing to fight to preserve his freedoms. I don’t believe in silly slogans like never again, or never forget. I also don’t believe in waiting for God to save us, and having said that, I don’t necessarily rule out the benefits of a strong belief in God. I just happen to be a rugged individualist who believes that my destiny is in my own hands.
Unfortunately, many of us humans, possibly due to groupthink, or inherent cowardice, prefer to take a more of a Laissez-faire approach to life. But I can’t live like that. The only ones who can save us are us.
Naomi: What is your opinion on the Nature (genetics) vs Nurture (environment) debate? How much of your Jewish and Survivor genes have guided you in your life, both as a worker, a father, a husband, a friend and as a self-made millionaire? And then how much has your American environment impacted and shaped you?
AJ: I believe that nature accounts for 90% of who we are, and I can tell this with absolute certainty based on the fact that I’m the father of four wonderful children who were raised in the same family and turned out to be entirely different from one another. Like it or not, we are all born with a certain amount of intelligence, physical ability, and life span. Those limits are nonnegotiable regardless of how hard we try to change them.
The 10% nurture part comes in the psychological and or the physiological realm. You can be born with a magnificent body, but without proper nutrition, it won’t develop to its full potential. The human mind is similar. Our capacity for intelligence and/or emotional stability is limited by our genetics, but our ability to reach that capacity in full is dependent on environmental factors which include family, schooling, and other external stimuli.
As a former health care executive who worked with diverse populations including many homosexual men and criminals, I can attest to the fact that most of them were sexually molested by other men, or otherwise abused in their childhood. I am not a geneticist, or a psychiatrist, but the strong correlation between cause and effect is something that too many in the media and the medical field have chosen to willfully ignore, just so they can embrace their bullshit politically correct narratives.
I believe that most gay men became gay because they were molested by other men in their formative years. I believe that most lesbians became lesbians because they were hurt by men. I believe that most incarcerated folks chose a path of crime to compensate for a childhood of either sexual abuse, emotional abuse, or neglect.
Like I stated earlier, we are all born with a certain amount of positives and negatives. Those genetic positives may have helped many Holocaust survivors who suffered unimaginable pain to overcome it and to lead fulfilled successful lives. But negative genetic traits may also be responsible for the inability of some individuals to deal with any type of adversity. This is sad and seemingly unfair, but it’s a fact. You can’t become an Einstein or a Michael Jordan if you weren’t born with Einstein’s brain, or Michael’s body, and I don’t care how many hours you spend studying physics or practicing your outside shot.
You also asked about America’s influence on who I am. The answer is simple. America and the American people in their kindness and openness have empowered a poor young boy who immigrated here to be the person that I am today. For this I am forever grateful. It’s why I wouldn’t hesitate to give my life for this wonderful nation.
Naomi: Why are we in such a terrible situation in the USA now? Do you have hope for the future of America?
AJ: I could talk about this all day and never be done, so I’ll try to summarize it as best I can: We started on the path to ruin by trivializing God which destroyed morality & tradition. Next thing we did was to embrace radical feminism which marginalized men & wiped out the family unit. The final blow was accepting & promoting homosexuality which upended the natural order. You ask if I have hope for America’s future, and my answer is no. Between drugs, video games, social media, and our educational system, we have sapped the life out of our young men and women.
We are raising a future generation of moronic automatons devoid of real human emotion. A group of lackluster uninquisitive sheep always looking for ways to follow the rules instead of challenging them. As a matter of fact, I believe that the entire western world is following the same road to hell. Where are the rebels and free thinkers who can save us, you ask? They are either over-medicated or banished...canceled. Free-thinking individuals, and I’m not talking about the prefabricated commercialized pink hair and tattoo type rebels, have gone silent in America. Maybe forever.
Naomi: What are your biggest fears for your children’s future? Do they have hope for the future?
AJ: I fear that my kids and the children of fellow Americans will not have the opportunities that we all had growing up. I fear that they will be living in a nation where they are increasingly seen as a product to be controlled and exploited by a tyrannical central government run by the globalists, or China.
But on a guttural and maybe a personal genetic memory level, I fear antisemitism. And I’m not just talking about the so-called right-winger Nazi idiots. I fear a deeply ingrained institutional antisemitism that is taking a powerful hold in a desperate herd mentality generation raised and educated by our leftist schools and our hate inciting media. Antisemitism is a 2000 years old hatred that always rears its ugly head when times get hard, and people need someone to blame. We will be there in no time if we continue on the path that the Democrats and so called progressives are taking us.
When my kids were young, I had an overarching belief in a just America which made me feel big, strong, and so powerful that I could protect them from anything that would dare try to harm them. It’s a very sad, strange feeling to know that America is not the nation it used to be, and that I can’t always protect my kids like in the old days, but as long as I’m on this earth, you can bet that I’ll always try.
Naomi: Do you have advice for Never Trumpers? How about the people that deny the Biden Crime Family facts?
AJ: Whenever I get this question, I always think of a verse from a Bob Dylan song I used to love as a young man which still holds true today.
“The line it is drawn
The curse it is cast
The slow one now
Will later be fast
As the present now
Will later be past
And the first one now
Will later be last
For the times they are a-changin'”
Naomi: As a California resident, can you explain the dangers of Gov Newsom being involved in US federal policy, in the event he rises to national power?
AJ: What we’re seeing in California, New York, Hawaii, Oregon, and all the rest of the leftist states in the USA is the biggest wealth transfer this nation has ever seen.
Everything we are witnessing including the rampant crime, inflation, Covid, LGBTQ insanity, and the global warming nonsense, is a part of a new world order plan to systematically destroy the middle class by bankrupting it spiritually and financially, and to render it to a life of indentured servitude.
Everything the middle class will lose, will end up being bought for pennies on the dollar by the mega rich who will by then have absolute power over everything.
Gavin Newsom, whom I went to high school with, is not as consequential as some might think. To me he is just another stringed puppet in the globalist play. Think Joe Biden with better hair.
Naomi: Have you been to Israel? Do you have plans to visit? Do you feel connected to Israel?
AJ: Yes, I have been to Israel many times, and I feel an incredible spiritual connection to the land of my forefathers and to Jerusalem. I recently did a lot of soul searching and tried to understand why I feel this way, and in the process, I examined my connection to Israel from a religious basis, a historical basis, and from an anthropological perspective. I even had an ancestry test done which proved beyond a doubt that my lineage is directly tied to the holy land. Think about it, my family, who were likely enslaved and banished from their homeland by the Romans over 2000 years ago, has kept its original Judean DNA, and perhaps even more powerfully, its religious and moral traditions.
Earlier today, you asked me about the influence my Holocaust surviving grandmother had on my life. Well, she taught me to always stand up for what is right, to never give up, and to never forget who I am, or where I came from. I have carried her words with me in all that I do, and I can only hope that my children and their children’s children will do the same.
Naomi: Thank you AJ, from the bottom of my heart, I appreciate all that you have said here. Your answers to my questions should give all who read this, important issues to consider. You and I share a heritage and an instinctual bond that our ancestors instilled in us. What you said about antisemitism echoes my fears. We must continue, as the spirit of our ancestors lives inside of us.
18 September 2023
I am excited to bring back Conversations with Naomi which features insightful and fascinating people with whom I interact. I hope my readers enjoy these interviews as much as I take pleasure in creating them. Care to be featured here?
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